Maintaining Your Optimum Health
Specific ailments can be targeted by testing before the treatment and again after the treatment, to ensure optimal results. Correct balance is restored by relieving the stresses that maintain the pattern. To achieve the best outcome, clients may be required to undertake exercises or conduct stretches at home after this massage. Remedial massage helps restore function to injured ‘soft tissues’ – muscles, tendons and ligaments – throughout the body.
Massage and Chiropractic
Combining Massage and Chiropractic care can increase your care program’s effectiveness.
Combined therapies restore and maintain the health of your nervous system, thereby helping your body heal itself.
Our Wellness philosophy is aimed at simply helping you to be the best you can be. At Back Into Health we aim to maximise joint and muscular movement, embracing a holistic and preventive approach, recognising that a healthy body, mind and lifestyle supplies the necessary foundations for a healthy musculoskeletal system, now and in the future. Our practitioners understand that each and every body is unique. We work with you in order to maximise your full potential through movement.
Both Massage and Chiropractic offer preventive care to support your ongoing good health and well-being. A timely visit to your Chiropractor can re-establish normal alignment and mobility before secondary soft tissue problems develop.
Regular Massage can release chronically contracted muscles and fascia, improving the balance among muscle groups and promoting healthful circulation. Your body will be more resilient in the face of daily stresses, less prone to injury and subluxation Massage is also a powerful tool for helping you to become aware of areas of chronic tension or postural problems, and to understand how these affect your body mechanics. You can then take proactive measures before pain develops, which includes regular massage treatments.
Chiropractic supports Massage
If you are seeking Massage therapy for pain but find your pain persists, recurs or even worsens after your massage, chiropractic could help in these ways:
- If your pain involves a subluxation, chiropractic adjustment may give immediate relief as your joint is restored to alignment and mobility. You may find that surrounding soft tissue heals quickly once it is no longer subjected to the stress of misaligned joints;
- The joint movement in chiropractic adjustments can sometimes relax deep layers of soft tissue that can be difficult to reach with massage. Your chiropractor can use x-rays and manual diagnostic techniques to evaluate other possible causes for your pain and can make appropriate referrals if necessary.
Massage supports Chiropractic
Chiropractors generally agree that Massage is a complimentary treatment that supports the body to a position of self healing and recovery from injury. It is also an ideal treatment for the prevention of injury, muscular tension, postural problems and stress providing the body with an increased chance of being balanced and pain free.
Which should I do first?
Chiropractors and Massage therapists generally agree that your adjustment and massage should be scheduled as closely together wherever practical. Consult your Chiropractor to determine his or her preferred order. Whatever the order, the two therapies will build on each other over time to resolve problems, and support your general good health. Total well being is the goal.
Chiropractic and Massage are compatible holistic therapies that share the goal of your total well-being, not simply an absence of illness. Both offer natural, hands-on, drug-free techniques. They can be used as preventive as well as restorative therapies. Both work to resolve the cause of your pain rather than treat isolated symptoms. Used in combination, they can help you maintain your optimum health and enjoy life to the fullest.